Monday 15 November 2021

I grown in grandad‘s garden


  1. Yum! Are there lots of strawberries growing on your plant? Have you eaten any of them yet?

    I lived in Australia until I was 7. My favourite bird was the Kookaburra because it sounds like a real laugh whenever it laughs! There are so many cool animals in Australia.

    I read that your dream is to be famous. What would you like to be famous for one day?

  2. I would like to be famous for blogging stuff. I haven’t tried any of my strawberries yet because they are not ready to be picked and there are so so so many strawberries growing in my garden.

  3. That's something pretty cool to be famous for! I hope that your strawberries are delicious when they're ready to be picked!

  4. If I was famous I think I would want to be famous for singing. Or maybe for breaking a world record for something!


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